Wednesday 27 June 2012



February the 28th 2005 - Driven by Loris Bicocchi, the Koenigsegg CCR broke the production road car speed record, achieving a new official top speed of 388 (387.87) km/h at Italy's Nardo Track. Thus, the CCR has broke the official McLaren F1 record of 386.7 km/h, which was set using a prototype called the XP5.
Koenigsegg say the CCR was 'technically standard', having tires, ride height, engine configuration, wheel geometries, gearbox, clutch, brakes, boost pressure matching the production car's specification.The record run was celebrated at the 2005 Geneva Motor Show, where both the record car, joined by a silver counterpart were on display. Since that time, the CCR has been approved for inclusion into the Guinness Book of World Records.

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